
Browser Extensions: Violentmonkey

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Violentmonkey is a user script manager for most browsers supporting add-ons/extensions. It was originally released in 2016 and now has a ton of user scripts to download from sites like Greasy Fork. Installing these scripts into your Violentmonkey add-on is extremely simple and usually just requires a couple clicks. These scripts' usages and quality vary but there are few that are definitely worth looking into. Some of these include bypassing YouTubes age restrictions, automatically skipping YouTube ads, hiding specific URLs in Google and even re-enabling YouTube's dislikes feature, which was unfortunately taken away from us. There are even scripts for browser based games that alter gameplay. I have included some suggested scripts at the bottom of this post.

First, to install Violentmonkey, simply search your browsers add-ons/extensions store and install it from there. You should see the Violentmonkey icon pop up in your toolbar where your add-ons/extensions usually appear after restarting your browser. You can enable or disable Violentmonkey by toggling the "Scripts enabled" option On or Off. Leaving this toggled On means Violentmonkey will automatically search the site you are visiting for usable scripts from your collection.

To install scripts to your collection I suggest using Greasy Fork, which has a large database of user scripts created for Violentmonkey. Alternatively, you can see suggested scripts for the current page you are visiting by clicking the Violentmonkey icon in your browser toolbar and clicking "Find scripts for this site". This will open a new tab with a Greasy Fork search for the current site you were visiting. To install a script you can click the script's name and then click "Install this script". This will redirect you to a page featuring the script's source code and a "Confirm installation" button. Click this button to add it to your Violentmonkey script collection. 

One of my favorite scripts found on Greasy Fork is the Return YouTube Dislike. This script automatically re-enables the dislike count function so it is viewable to the user.

I suggest browsing Greasy Fork for other scripts that best fit your browsing needs. Let me know which ones you think are must-haves.

Suggested Scripts:
YouTube / Auto Close YouTube Ads

YouTube / Local YouTube Downloader
YouTube / Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass

YouTube / Return YouTube Dislike
Google  / Google Hit Hider by Domain
General / Linkify Plus Plus

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